Categories - Europe
46 posts
The Great European Adventure, Day 11: Santorini

The Great European Adventure, Day 11: Santorinifeatured

Before I went to bed the evening before, I told Stephanie not to wake me up a minute before 6:05 am. I hate waking up on the hour. She woke me up exactly at 6:06 am, and I jumped out of bed full of energy and ready to get this day started. It wasn’t because Read more

The Great European Adventure, Day 10: Kusadasi, Ephesus and Sirince

The Great European Adventure, Day 10: Kusadasi, Ephesus and Sirincefeatured

I’ll be honest – I had no real desire to visit Kusadasi. Istanbul, absolutely (which was part of the allure of the Norwegian Spirit cruise we’d been contemplating). But if you’d asked me to give you a list of the 100 places I had to visit before I die, you wouldn’t find Kusadasi on that Read more

The Great European Adventure, Day 10: Athens

The Great European Adventure, Day 10: Athensfeatured

We were already docked in Athens when I was waking up, and as much rest as I’d gotten over the previous two sea days, I still had trouble rubbing the sleep out of my eyes when the alarm went off. Our excursion didn’t meet super early (our call time on our tickets was 8:00 am), Read more

The Great European Adventure, Day 7: Rome

The Great European Adventure, Day 7: Romefeatured

Mille viae ducunt homines per saecula Romam. “A thousand roads lead men forever to Rome.” All roads lead to Rome. We didn’t follow a road to Rome, per se – we sailed in on a very large ship – but this entire adventure was centered on this port for me. Of all of the places Read more

The Great European Adventure, Day 6: Florence

The Great European Adventure, Day 6: Florencefeatured

Everyone I know who has ever visited Florence is obsessed with Florence. When I’d bring up visiting Italy, their eyes would light up and they’d wax poetic about the art and the history and shopping. And the food, oh the food. The best, they’d say. There were lofty expectations in place for Florence long before Read more
